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Jobs in this family are registered nurses tasked with assessing and evaluating health care providers delivering services under state and federal plans.

Jobs and Descriptions

Nurse Case Manager I

First-level Nurse Case Management position accountable for assessing and evaluating service providers to ensure compliance with state and federal program requirements. Determines appropriateness of care and determines program eligibility for certain treatments, exams, and evaluations. Duties may also include case finding, health teaching, health counseling, assessment and evaluation of providers of services and related sites.

Typically requires state licensure as a Registered Nurse and 2-4 years of experience.

OCCU: 9180
Pay Grade: MED03

Nurse Case Manager II

Second-level Nurse Case Management position accountable for assessing and evaluating service providers to ensure compliance with state and federal program requirements. Determines program eligibility for treatments, exams, and evaluations and deals with treatments that are more complex or involve coordination of multiple providers. Duties may also include case finding, health teaching, health counseling, assessment and evaluation of providers of services and related sites. Communicates with doctors, patients, participants, and families, and educates patients on care.

Typically requires state licensure as a Registered Nurse and 5+ years of experience.

OCCU: 9181
Pay Grade: MED04

Nurse Case Manager Team Lead

First-level Nurse Case Management Supervisor accountable for assessing and evaluating service providers to ensure compliance with state and federal program requirements. Determines appropriateness of treatment and determines program eligibility for certain treatments, exams, and evaluations. May also be responsible for analyzing findings and recommending plans for correction to medical providers. Employee supervision includes hire recommendations; training; work planning, assignments, and review; and performance assessment, coaching, and progressive discipline. Supervision at this level also requires these employees to have the knowledge and skills to perform and review the work overseen.

Typically requires state licensure as a Registered Nurse, and 6 years of experience. 

OCCU: 9182
Pay Grade: MED05

Nurse Case Manager Supervisor

Second-level Nurse Manager accountable for providing administrative leadership to Nurse Case Managers charged with assessing and evaluating service providers to ensure compliance with state and federal program requirements. Responsible for analyzing findings and recommending plans for correction to medical providers and formulating health-care policies, rules, and regulations as necessary. Employee supervision includes hire recommendations; training; work planning, assignments, and review; and performance assessment, coaching, and progressive discipline. Supervision at this level also requires these employees to have the knowledge and skills to perform and review the work overseen.

Typically requires state licensure as a Registered Nurse, 7 years of experience as a Registered Nurse and 1-3 years’ experience as a Nurse Manager. 

OCCU: 9183
Pay Grade: MED07v