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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Information for Veterans

Veterans' Preference 
The State of Mississippi is proud to administer practices that give preference to veterans. Senate Bill 2863 (2019 Regular Session) promotes veteran and disabled veteran visibility in state government hiring.  The bill more accurately defines “disabled veteran” and “veteran” to be consistent with federal guidelines and qualifies Purple Heart recipients as disabled veterans.

As a result of this bill, MSPB reconfigured its job recruitment platform to give preference to qualified veterans when they apply for jobs.  When an agency receives a list of eligible applicants, disabled veterans and veterans are listed at the top of the list with disabled veterans listed before veterans.  MSPB also requires that all applicants indicate veteran status on their applications. 

Military Spouse Transition Network 
The Mississippi State Personnel Board participates in the Military Spouse Transition Network through the National Association of State Personnel Executives (NASPE).  The purpose of this program is to help military spouses currently working in a state government network identify job leads in the state to which they will be moving.  Services include resume building, skills translation, informal contacts, etc. in support of military spouse re-employment. 

The program is open to all identified military spouses working for state government agencies in NASPE member states.  If you are a military spouse in Mississippi working for a state agency and your spouse receives notification of a Permanent Change of Station (PCS), contact us at for assistance with the transition to another state.